Monday, February 28, 2011

Best/Worst Discoveries of the Month

Top 3 Best Discoveries:
1.Justin Bieber-
Okay, okay. So I know he’s the most overrated singer in the universe and his lyrics aren’t superb or different and he’s mainly just following the Hollywood hype, but I love Justin Bieber. And I honestly do think he’s talented. I mean, how many 16-17 year olds do you know that have two full length albums, an entire movie dedicated about them (in 3-D to add a spiffy touch), and could get any girl he wanted (all girls from the ages of about 8-grandma status)? You don’t know anyone like that. He’s so successful that even if you hate him, you know how at least one of his songs goes; most likely “Baby” because it’s applicable to so many situations. The point is, regardless of the severity of your “Bieber Fever,” you know who he is, and you know that if he came around, your girlfriend would drop you like a rotten tomato.

2.Emmure- Children of Cybertron
I may be a little late on listening to this album, but I finally did and well, Speaker of the Dead was not an exceptional album, but it was good. I do think that this song was a brilliant choice for the first track as it makes everyone want to mosh and fight or whatever.

3.Title Fight- 27
Title Fight is one of my all time favorite bands, so I may have been a little biased listening to this song, but this song only supported my opinion that TF is a top quality band. I’m extremely excited for their newest CD Shed, which releases on May 3, 2011.

Top 3 Worst Discoveries:

1.Lady Gaga-
For lack of better words, Lady Gaga sucks. Granted, her music IS catchy, but I literally hate my life when anything of hers is stuck in my head. Teenagers fantasize about being her and consider her their role model. But why? All she does is whine and sing her unoriginal lyrics while jumping around in ridiculous clothing which are only worn to try to be “different.” Either that or she’s 3/4s of the way naked. Now she’s on the tabloids for her remarkable talent of being on heavy drugs and boozed out of her mind 24/7. Super awesome role models, guys.

I wish I could find words to explain my hatred for Glee. Everyone on that show is annoying and in my honest opinion, untalented. I find every single person extremely unbearable and each time my mother turns on the TV to watch the show, I feel my muscles tense as I imagine myself reaching through the screen to beat each and every character up.

3. Kesha-
As my dear friend Brennan pointed out to me, "$" is not a letter, so we will not be referring to Kesha, as "Ke$ha." Her music is unnecessarily raunchy, monotonous, and her voice sounds like a cheerleader on drugs. Her lyrics disgust me, as she refers to her genitals as "butterscotch" and only talks about things with little to no meaning.

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